Let's take time to review your plan and get your questions answered.
Annual Enrollment is from November 1 - January 31st

If you have Oscar you will need to look at a different company.
They will no longer be offering individual Family plans and Covered CA plans this coming year. We can help you find a plan that will work for you.

This is the time to update your information and report a change.
- Your Income
- Your Address
- Number of Dependents
- Other
If you do nothing your plan will auto renew. (Unless you are with Oscar).
Schedule a call of time for us to meet virtually or in person.
We are here to help you and those you care about.
This year there are several ways to do this.
- Send me (Susan) a text letting me know you would like to talk. (949-309-9962)
- This year Charisa and I physically will be at the Laguna Niguel Walmart on Alicia Parkway.
Monday-Thursday each week until Dec 15 - You can schedule through our Calendar Links below our names. We can meet in person or via a phone call.
We would love you to stop by the Kiosk if you live near by.
It really helps all of us:
- It gives us time to review your 2024 plan.
- It helps other shoppers know we are "friendly people," and many times this opens the door for them to come over and ask questions.
- Best of all... it would be wonderful to see you again. Many of you have in the past stopped by and visited just to say, Hi.
This is appreciated.
All the Best
Charisa & Susan

We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov or call 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all your options.