Medicare Insurance
Struggling to Make Sense of Your Medicare Options?
Great news: Our expert, one-on-one assistance is available for free!
Many people don’t realize it, but when you sign up for Medicare or during the Annual Enrollment Period (AEP), there is absolutely no extra cost to work with an agent. This means that your costs will be the same whether you spend hours on end trying to figure out which of the many (and often confusing!) choices is best for you, or you let us guide you through the decision-making process.
There’s no reason to go it alone.
Whether you are seriously excited because you know that Medicare will mean lower costs or are kicking and screaming. After all, signing up for Medicare makes you feel “old,” let us make this transition simple for you.
However, if you want to Do It Yourself, just click on this link.
Don’t wait until you turn 65 to get the process started
Because Medicare is a government program, there are strict timelines involved. For example, if you want to apply for what’s known as “Medicare Part A” and “Medicare Part B,” you must do so within a window of time that begins three months before the month of your 65th birthday and ends three months after. Miss that window and you may have to wait months before you’ll be allowed to apply.
When should you get started? If you schedule your first call with us six months before you turn 65, you’ll have plenty of time to make an informed decision without a stressful rush.
Get all of your questions answered
A great way to work with us is to start with a 15-minute phone call to get your basic questions answered, and then schedule a free, individualized 1-hour “Medicare 101” Zoom or in-person meeting to understand your Medicare choices.
As independent agents, we do not work for an insurance company, we are brokers appointed with multiple companies able to offer you a plan that may better suit your needs.
By the end of our “Medicare 101” meeting you’ll understand:
- What to do if you still have employer coverage or are currently on Covered California or another government-sponsored medical insurance plan.
- What Medicare Part A, Part B, and Part D are all about, which of these are free, and which are not.
- The difference between “basic Medicare” and Medicare Advantage with Prescription Drug Plans (known as “MAPDs”), and the pros and cons of each.
- What Medicare Supplement Plans provide, and whether this might be a better option for you.
- Who pays for prescription drugs when you’re on Medicare, and if that “prescription drug donut” thing that you heard about in the past is still an issue.
- Why it sometimes makes sense for spouses to be on different Medicare plans.
- What you need to consider when making an informed decision about all of this.
Schedule your initial call now
Click the button on the right to email a request for someone to call, or to go to our calendar and schedule a time that works for you.
Remember, by working with us as your agent you’ll have a Medicare expert on your side at absolutely no expense to you. You won’t get a bill from us and our assistance does not affect the cost of any of the Medicare plans.
We look forward to helping you on your Medicare journey!
We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact or call 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all your options.