Life Insurance

Like Automobiles, Life Insurance Has Evolved

Life insurance can be an important part of your financial plan.

Why should life insurance be part of your portfolio? Here are three big reasons…

Check out the 3 reasons

#1: Death Benefit

Should the unthinkable happen and you pass away, life insurance first and foremost provides a death benefit that will:

  • Ensure your dreams of sending your children to college, paying-off your mortgage and providing for your family come true after you are gone.
  • Pay the unexpected bills such as medical or funeral costs.
  • Provide relief from additional expenditures and taxes due to business succession or estate settlement costs.

Losing a loved one is difficult enough. With proper life insurance coverage in place, your family will have peace of mind and be free from additional financial burdens. Your legacy will continue, and the things you have worked so hard to build—things you have believed in and loved—will carry on.

#2: Wealth Accumulation

Cash-value life insurance has been the best-kept secret of the rich and famous because it can grow your wealth in ways no other product can. The wealthy have always understood and employed the power of cash value life insurance. Now others have discovered it, too. You, too, can experience the benefits that at one time only the rich took advantage of:

  • Cash value insurance offers safety and growth. It’s a piece of both worlds!
  • Policies can be designed and structured to fund your child’s education or for you to enjoy a tax-free retirement.

Growing rapidly in popularity are innovative and flexible index products. Both Fixed Indexed Annuities (which are not life insurance products) and Fixed Indexed Universal Life Insurance have changed the game when it comes to building cash value in a policy.

#3: Additional Benefits

The “living benefits” area is where some of the most advantageous improvements have been realized. Many life insurance policies offered today include and/or offer additional riders. These additional benefits allow you to access the face value of your policy or may provide additional benefits should you have a serious or terminal illness.

There are riders that…

  • Provide for care if you should have an accident and can’t work another day of your life.
  • Can protect your purchasing power and loan amounts.
  • Address such things as critical illness and Long-Term Care.

The Bottom Line

The bottom line is that today’s life insurance provides the benefits you seek. It offers the foundation to provide and protect your family’s dreams, innovative index strategies that allow for wealth accumulation and living benefits that can provide a tax-free retirement, pay for college and address concerns such as chronic illness and long-term care.

There are many options available to you to help you create the financial future you desire. If you are open to the possibilities, you will see that insurance products provide many benefits you want and have been looking for.

“I can help you address your personal and professional needs. If you would like help determining the right amount of insurance and strategies that will put you in a stronger financial position, give me a call. Let’s talk. It isn’t about how much you need… It is about how much you want!”
—Susan D Marshall

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